The Dark Skies Above Us

The Dark Skies Above Us

Τετάρτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Stellar Descent - Darkening Peaks (2013)

Genre: Ambient Black Metal

Country Of Origin : California, America


1. Darkening Peaks


It's a bit hot for a September day. Really surprised with what im listening right now. There is water and a guitar. Im smiling. Only mad people do things like this. Perfect things like this. And then there was none. Blast beat in my veins. Cover all.
Let me introduce you a big artist of Resistance volume 3: Stellar Descent.
These feelings come out after listening for the first time at Darkening Peaks.
Cant find other words to recommend it (the tape of course!)
Support antifascist black metal now!



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