Genre: Grindcore / Deathgrind
Country Of Origin: Modena (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
1. Intro
2. Blood spilling
3. Nothing to declare
4. Cani sciolti
5. Fallimento
6. Fucking business
7. Animo in rivolta
8. Solo morte e miseria
9. Viewers of the end
10. Vendetta animale
11. Alienation
12. Suffer the children
"Fallimento" is the last album of the grindcore band of Modena, GRUMO. The Intro seems that brings us in a society that it's became a sort of disassembly line, that lacerates lives and bodies under the hits of the alienation and of an existence where the subject is domesticated to the passively acceptation of the violence. From the texts and the songs transpire the hate and the rage against a politic of death and destruction, decorated by fictitious freedoms and existences wasted in the race for the profit that brings to the annihilation of every kind of ethic. Despite all, GRUMO's lens moves on that lived that doesn't fold to the collective domestication process, that wave of passion which strucks on the bars of the cages where we are confined, biting and killing the executioner that is enticed with the show of our suffering. GRUMO deliver us an album that that spits on the face of the misery of our survivals, and gives breath to our soul in revolt.
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