The Dark Skies Above Us

The Dark Skies Above Us

Δευτέρα 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Atriarch – Ritual Of Passing (2012)

Genre: Blackened Doom Metal / Experimental

Country Of Origin  : U.S (Portland, Oregon)

Tracklisting :
1.                    Parasite
2.                    Prayers                         
3.                    Altars                             
4.                    Altruist                          
5.                    Offerings   
6.                    Cursed        
7.                    Outro (Lucifer Speaks with Death)

Download (Rar Code 2012)

Εδώ έχουμε να κάνουμε για μια μπαντάρα από Cascadian-Fuckin’- Culture μεριά. Οι Atriarch χέζουν όλες τις ψευδεπιγραφές που αφορούν Black Metal νόρμες. Παίζουν «ασήκωτο» μαύρο Doom και φτύνουν στα μούτρα κάθε είδους επαρχιώτικο μέταλ. Άκουσε το έχοντας κάνει «κεφάλι» καθώς οι τύποι trip-άρουν .Θυμίζουν πάρα πολύ τους Cough τους Sardonis και κάτι ψιλά από τους OmΓράφουν ποίηση και ξερνούν φωτιά σε κάθε στίχο (it feeds on our ignorant fearthe parasite plantedits seed inside us alland how do we fight this disease?will love and respect conquer fear?or will a change call for a fight?this is war...).Τα λόγια περιττεύουν σε κάτι τέτοιες περιπτώσεις ναμένουμε καινούριο δίσκο.

We have to do with an extraordinary band full with Cascadian-Fuckin’- Culture.
Atriarch don’t follow the usual norms that go with Black Metal. They play rough
black Doom and cut to pieces every kind of provincial Metal. You have to listen to it
while you are high, as these guys really triping on . They 
remind a lot of the Cough, Sardonis and a little bit of the Om. They write poetry and 
throw fire through each lyric (it feeds on our ignorant fear the parasite plant edits seed 
inside us all and how do we fight this disease? will love and respect conquer fear? or 
will a change call for a fight? this is war... ). Words are really poor in such cases. We 

wait for the next album.

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